Thomas Freedman Interviewed by Ernest Hancock on CensorGuard

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Last week Thomas Freedman, one of the principals of ACTC, was interviewed by Ernest Hancock of Freedom's Phoenix on his Declare Your Independence program.

This is not the first time that Thomas has been on the show, due to his previous work with Pirate Box and Pirate Stick, before it evolved into CensorGuard. At ACTC we are actively working with Thomas on CensorGuard, at the center of our current anti-censorship efforts.

CensorGuard: Your Videos are Always Available on IPFS!

CensorGuard does much more than simply provide easy access to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), it also indexes the content, which IPFS doesn't do on its own. The Reticulum-based orchestration layer added by the Alexandria Rescue Network of Independent IPFS Engines (ARNIIE) will enable a lot more, allowing the development of communities, the incorporation of self-sovereign identities, and much more.

Please check out the video, where Ernest covers a lot of the history and philosophy behind what Thomas and ACTC have been working on.

Ernest Hancock Interviews Thomas Freedman

Note, also, that the link for this video reaches out to IPFS for the content using a gateway provided by Freedom's Phoenix. This shows what a believer Ernest is in the technologies we are working on.

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