Invitation to Get Involved! ContentSafe Upgrade and Pilot

Sunday, December 8, 2024

We are looking for content creators to get involved in our efforts by helping to promote our cause and participating in a pilot. We are narrowing our first effort to simply upgrade ContentSafe, focusing on making it very easy for content creators to protect their voices.

If you are a content creator interested in participating in our pilot, please contact us. If you know somebody we should be in touch with, please use that same form to let us know.

The Story So far

Our two previous videos share what we are doing. If you haven't seen them, we highly recommend them for a broader view of our efforts:


ContentSafe is already a functioning business providing syndication with an eye toward making censorship very difficult for Big Tech. We are going to perform a crowdfunding raise to give users a dashboard for control and status information, in addition to making significant upgrades to the back-end for automation and scaling.

The Pilot

ContentCreators who are interested would let viewers know about the crowdfunding raise and provide some advertising of the capabilities when the upgrades occur. This is in exchange for 24 months of free access to the platform's capabilities.

Take Action!

If you are a content creator interested in participating in our pilot, please contact us. If you know somebody we should be in touch with, please use that same form to let us know.