Mark Marasch Interviewed by Ernest Hancock on ACTC's Efforts

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Last week Ernest Hancock of Freedom's Phoenix interviewed Mark Marasch (aka Mark-A-Billy) about our efforts at ACTC, especially CensorGuard.

Ernest Hancock is a long-time activist in the Anarcho-Capitalist world. He has known Matt Raymer and Thomas Freedman for some time, and is familiar with their ContentSafe and the Pirate Box / Pirate Stick efforts. What has been done on those past efforts and what we are doing moving forward match up very cleanly with what Hancock has been pushing for for a number of years. Much of the discussion winds up being Hancock sharing history and his philosophy on what should be done.

This is instructive for understanding our customers and how anti-censorship technologies are needed and will be used in the years to come.