Why Conspiracy Theorists Should Be Proud!

Sunday, August 4, 2024


By using dysfunctional, incorrect corporately-defined definitions, even the alternative media plays directly into the hands of those who have worked so hard to twist the English language and discredit anybody who dares to seek truth outside the State- and Big Tech-Approved Narrative. Let us return to the more classical definitions of our words, refuse the Orwellian reprogramming of recent decades, and give Conspiracy Theorists credit for the important service that they provide!

At ACTC, we are developing tech to defeat censorship. We wish to share our philosophy of liberty and how information should be allowed to flow. Some of the most censored materials in society today receive the label of "conspiracy theory," while those that hold or spread them are "conspiracy theorists." These terms have been heavily weaponized, we wish to defuse them by sharing a proper understanding of how we find truth in the world, especially when it's truth that the Powers-That-Shouldn't-Be would like to suppress.

The Scientific Method

The way that truth is found in the scientific world is a great model for all to consider. Please note that we aren't advocating what the corporate media calls "The Science (TM)." Certainly not in the Anthony Fauci sense of the term, a construct of dogma that one must believe or face excommunication. Instead, we are talking about the classical Scientific Method that has been used at least since the European Renaissance.

Here's a very short summary of the Scientific Method:

  • Build a hypothesis, a theory about objective reality, that can be tested
  • Perform experimentation to test the hypothesis
  • Analyze the results of experiments and/or studies to determine whether the hypothesis is true
  • Build one or more further hypotheses, building on what was learned, and repeat the process

Certainly, this is only a quick summary and I'm not going to get into the setup of proper scientific experiments and studies, managing control groups, how to manage numeric data, or how to analyze statistics -- all of which are the topic of numerous textbooks.

Instead, I'm going to share the primary feature of the Scientific Method that truly defines what we call Science. Everything is open for question in that realm, especially when new data comes forward. New hypotheses are always a part of moving forward, along with performing experimentation to test them.

Based on this, the following are bogus concepts that nobody should subscribe to:

  • That science is ever "settled" under any circumstances
  • That the agreement of a large number (or even a majority) of "experts" means that something is "true," even if they are wearing shiny "fact checker" badges
  • That we can't learn anything new that will change our understanding of reality

Here's the point: When we seek truth in the world, we build hypotheses, then perform experiments and studies to test those hypotheses. So, holding a Theory is the first step in the Scientific Method and should not be discouraged!

Resurrecting Proper Use of English

Ever since the CIA twisted the language and weaponized the use of the term "Conspiracy Theorist" to defeat criticisms stemming from the Warren Report, this and a number of related terms have continued to suffer distortion. Certainly it is true that the English language changes over time, but I find the following distortions to be very Orwellian in nature and I believe that they are designed to alter the very clear meaning of English terms. The effect of these distortions is to ensure that all who wander from the Approved Narrative are discredited.

I've noticed many in the Alternative Media, even admirable speakers for liberty and truth like Dave Smith and Dr. Ron Paul, have misused these terms. I wish to set the record straight to cease the distortions and quit giving Conspiracy Theorists a bad name.

Let's discuss some of these terms:

Conspire. This term is the root word of what is being badly abused. Rather than resorting to a more current, wokester-written dictionary, I reference my desktop Webster's Dictionary printed in 1991.

con-spire (kan-spir') v.i., to unite for an evil purpose; to plot together. conspiracy (kan-spir'-a-si) n., a combination of persons for an evil purpose; a plot...

  • People are using the terms "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory" to mean a B.S. story with no factual evidence to support it.
    • Instead, a conspiracy is the actual act of two or more people creating a plot together.
    • And, a conspiracy theory is the hypothesis that two or more people are creating or have created a plot together.
  • The term "conspirator" is being used to mean somebody who holds a conspiracy theory. What a horrible thing to say about somebody for holding a theory!
    • Instead, a conspirator is somebody involved in a plot.
  • I often hear the term "being conspiratorial" used to mean the development or spreading of a conspiracy theory. Again, what a horrible thing to say about somebody!
    • Instead, being conspiratorial means that you are plotting something.

Perhaps one can argue about whether this is intentional (my conspiracy theory!), but it is certainly true that the distortions in our language accuse those who raise an alarm about a potential conspiracy as the conspirators themselves. This is an act of shooting the messenger, and clearly weaponizes the English language against those who are seeking the truth.

The Pride of Conspiracy Theorists and Our Actions

Conspiracy Theorists are executing the first step in the Scientific Method, and they are part of a proud tradition that leads us closer to truth. Yes, they really should follow up and use the rest of the scientific method to prove or disprove their hypothesis in a logical fashion, but the development of hypotheses is first step in that process.

The weaponization of the English language against them is improper and unjust.

Some of the thoughts and sources behind this discussion came from James Corbett's video I Am a Conspiracy Theorist, where he is providing an excellent example of how we should look at this topic. In fact, I'd say that he's among the best of the Conspiracy Theorists, as he will share facts with the viewer so that they can study the topics themselves. He is following through with the Scientific Method, and will update his hypotheses when more is learned.

Let us return to the more classical definitions of our words, refuse the Orwellian reprogramming of recent decades, and give Conspiracy Theorists credit for the important service that they provide!

Further Action

Support us in our efforts to make dissident voices, including those of Conspiracy Theorists, damn-near impossible to censor! Keep an eye on our site for more as we continue to share our efforts moving forward, and sign up for email updates, so that we can keep you informed!

We are looking to expand our media presence, now, and we will be working to get early versions of CensorGuard into the hands of our favorite dissident content creators!

Please use the Contact Us form for ideas about projects, connections we should be making, and to let us know ways that we can help you or you can contribute to our mission.

Please also consider donating to the cause, so that ACTC can develop technologies that serve humanity.
